Thursday, September 19, 2013

Basic Photoshop Tutorial

Basic Photoshop Tips for Food Photography

How to remove background in photoshop

I tried this photo to remove background ( Clone Stamps, Levels, Curves, Color Balance..and so on).


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Japanese photographer Naoki Honjo is known for his cute representations of familiar places shot to look like miniature models of real things. He achieves the effect by using the tilt-shift technique which creates a very narrow line of focus.
His photographs is look like toys which is looking at the whole objectively from the top. I like his curious and cute photograph. Also he wrote the afterword of his book "Small Planet" published in 2006, "Small changes in point of view can lead to big changes of consciousness" I think this is the role of photography.

Monday, September 2, 2013


North Korea Restores Order to Kim Funeral With Photoshop

The funeral procession for Kim Jong-Il was held with military precision and when a handful of dawdlers messed up those regimented lines, they were eliminated. From the photo. The photo released by the North Korea's state news agency and transmitted by the Germany-based European Pressphoto Agency is slightly different from a photo taken at nearly the identical moment and released by Japanese agency Kyodo News.

In the photo, the shadow cast by Mr Kim’s calves runs in a different direction to the shadow cast by the soldiers either side of him, the Times pointed out. In addition, a black line running along the stand on which the soldiers are positioned mysteriously vanishes on either side of Mr Kim – suggesting his picture may have been superimposed onto the image...